Light weight and blown away

I don´t have to mention again that I got a real fan of my Lumix GH3 and I almost substituted the bigger Sony EX3 with this tiny camera. But, yes, there are „buts“, the camera’s advantage showed to be also a big disadvantage. I filmed for a story on the IPO of Spain’s airport operator AENA. I was able to film at the apron of Madrid’s international airport Barajas and I took the chance to film one of these huge Antonov 124. I wanted to film some minutes to later speed up the clouds. Unfortunately a wind gust blew round the camera and tripod. This is the moment when it happened:

I was quite afraid that filming would have come to an end. But(!!!) thanks to the Honu Cage the camera was ok.

The Honu Cage saved my GH3 when blown round

The Honu Cage saved my GH3 when blown round

The only two things that suffered was the Rode Videomic and a magnetic frame. The plastic holder of the hotshoe broke and I have to get a spare part. And the frame for the LCDVF disappeared.
Foto 2

After that I am quite happy to have this Honu Cage always attached to my camera. It just saved my butt. And after that I will never again move away from my camera – especially under severe weather conditions.
The published story:
