
4/3″ Chip und ein 13x Objektiv mit Blende 2,8-4,5. Dazu 4k, ein Bildstabilisator und das alles ziemlich kompakt. Das sind die zentralen Daten der neuen Panasonic AG-DVX200. Die Kamera wurde gerade auf der NAB vorgestellt, der Preis soll bei etwa 5000$ liegen, hier vermutlich also 5000 Euro kosten. Allein diese Daten sind sehr interessant und könnten das Zeug haben, die EX3 nun endlich in Rente zu schicken und vielleicht sogar die GH3 abzustoßen. Ich bin gespannt auf erste Tests. Die Kamera soll allerdings erst im Herbst zu kaufen sein. Aber vielleicht ist das endlich die Fusion aus DSLR und bekannter kompakter Videokamera.AG-DVX200-2-side


Less photo more video

It is very interesting to observe that there are more and more voices who are questioning the evolution towards photo cameras for video filming. In my opinion this is a very important debate pending also to put pressure on manufacturers, but first to compare the DSLR movement with the classic camcorders. One very helpful piece for this debate is an article about the Sony PXW X200, published in Red Shark News. „For some, this is the ideal type of camera„, writes David Shapton. I would say, not only for some. I would like to have this camera but I would prefer even more a camera that finally combines the advantages of DSLR (compact, bigger chip) with those of camcorders (much better handling, better zooming and focus, much better audio connections and control, etc). Therefore in my opinion Sony did a big step ahead with the PXW X70 but unfortunately they failed with the lens and the lack of separated control rings for iris and focus. Personally I need a camera for lightweight traveling. The GH3 is brilliant for that but I hope to substitute it as soon as possible with an improved X70 or similar. Because for news and documentary camcorder are still the best for video journalists.
